Global21 consulting
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Making Development Sustainable


Since several decades already, the protection of the environment and natural resources for future generations represents a major concern for mankind and a huge challenge for institutions and companies.

Since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, governments, companies and NGO’s have multiplied their efforts to achieve a more sustainable development. By setting up environmental institutions and developing a multitude of environmental policy instruments many countries have made a huge progress towards ecological sustainability.

Private sector companies have rapidly realized that environmental protection certainly represents a major challenge but the change towards a green economy also offers enormous development opportunities.


Global21 advises institutions and companies in the field of environment and sustainable development at local, national, European and international level. Our interventions focus on:

• Environmental policy
• Climate change
• Sustainable business
• Green economy
• Urban and industrial environment
• Eco-labelling and voluntary agreements
• Eco-technologies
• Eco-design
• REACH and management of chemicals
• Waste management
• Eco-efficiency and environmental management 


Promotion of French environmental technologies at international level




Economic impact of climate change in the East African Community




Hazardous Waste Management


réalisation AXEL