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Economic impact of climate change in the East African Community

Study on economic impacts, adaptation and policy options

Since the publication of the Stern Review, the economic impact of climate change has become a central topic in the international climate change discussion.

Although having contributed the less to the current climate change problem, developing countries are nevertheless confronted to its very serious or even catastrophic consequences. Moreover, many developing countries have to face the huge challenge of adaptation to the climate change impacts without disposing of the necessary means and capacities.

In cooperation with GTZ, the East African Community (EAC) wants to clarify this issue in more detail for its member states Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi. Therefore, Global21 carries out a study in the East African Community dealing with the following subjects:

  • analysis regarding the economic impact of climate change;
  • evaluation of the adaptive capacities and
  • elaboration of concrete policy options at regional level.

Economic Impact of Climate Change in the EAC (anglais - 1,09 Mo)

fiche synthèse du projet


Client : GTZ (German Technical Cooperation)
Location: Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi
Period: June 2008 - June 2009
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