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Projects > Global21 > Références Global21 anglaises > Appraisal ORF MKD

Modernization of municipal services in South-East Europe

Evaluation and project design

Global21 leads an evaluation and appraisal mission for a German-Swiss funded project (Open Regional Funds) on “modernization of municipal services in South-East Europe”.

The mission includes several steps:

  • Review of project progress in accordance with OECD-DAC criteria and Capacity Works framework
  • Evaluating potentials for regional cooperation in municipal services within the context of EU association process
  • Conception of proposal for a Swiss-German co-financed project



German International Cooperation (GIZ)
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Location: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia
Period: May - December 2015


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