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Making Development Sustainable

Evaluation NEEP Nepal

13 March 2017:

Energy efficiency and NDC in Nepal

Nepal still has a strong need for sustainable energy to satisfy existing and upcoming energy demand. Global21 leads an evaluation and appraisal mission for the Nepal Energy Efficiency Programme aiming at analysing the programme progress and setting-up the design of the upcoming project phase focusing on:

  • Energy policy
  • Capacity development of grid operators
  • Energy efficiency market places
  • Energy efficiency in educational training
Solar integration Bangladesh

15 November 2016:

Grid integration of solar energy and energy efficiency to meet NDC targets in Bangladesh

To meet the fast growing electricity demand in the country, the government of Bangladesh aims at using the country’s solar potential along with grid-connected solar energy predominantly in the rural areas.

Global21 leads an appraisal mission to set up a new project “Energy efficiency and grid integration of solar energy in Bangladesh”. The project supports Bangladesh in implementing its nationally determined contributions (NDC) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and in fulfilling its commitment under the Paris Agreement.

Assessment Biodiversity Policy

30 November 2015:

Assessment of the biodiversity policy in the Western Balkans

On behalf of the Open Regional Funds Biodiversity, Global21 carries out an assessment of the biodiversity policy in the Western Balkans. The study includes:

  • Assessment of existing national and regional biodiversity policy framework and institutional setting in 6 Western Balkan countries
  • Recommendations for regional cooperation models to implement EU Biodiversity Strategy 2020
  • Proposals for priority activities to strengthen national and regional capacities


Sub-project economic value Biodiv

3 February 2016:

Consultancy on economic value of ecosystems and ecosystem services

The lack of understanding amongst decision-makers and local stakeholders for the economic value of biodiversity in the Western Balkans leads to increasing threats for the exceptional rich biodiversity hotspots in South-East Europe.

Josef Seitz therefore advises the Open Regional Fund South-East Europe - Biodiversity on the conception, planification and preparation of a project proposal to raise the awareness regarding economic value of ecosystems and ecosystem services in the in South-East Europe.

Appraisal e-waste Ghana

22 April 2016:

Environmentally sound and socially inclusive treatment of e-waste in Ghana

Inappropriate treatment of e-waste from global and local sources represents a major threat to environment and public health in Ghana. In this context, Global21 leads an appraisal mission to set up a new programme for the “Environmentally sound disposal and recycling of E-waste in Ghana”.

The mission has a strong focus on informal sector and economic inclusion of poor and vulnerable groups. Moreover, potential cooperation interfaces for financial cooperation are identified.

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