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Making Development Sustainable

NAP Armenia

1 April 2015:

Roadmap for a National Adaptation Plan in Armenia

For the ClimaEast project, financed by the EU and carried out by DAI, Global21 assists the Ministry of the Nature Protection (MNP) of Armenia regarding the elaboration and submission of the National Adaptation Plan (NAP). Key output deliverables are:

  • Assessment of national capacities in accordance with NAC-Framework
  • Recommendations regarding needs and gaps for streamlining the adaptation measures in key sectors
  • Roadmap for a National Adaptation Plan
  • NAP draft document
Climate South Caucasus

13 June 2014:

Private sector and climate change in the South Caucasus region - Potentials and challenges

What are the needs of the private sector in South-Caucasus countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) regarding adaptation to climate change?

Global21 carries out a study identifying opportunities for innovation through adaptation in selected sectors and value chains (in particular tourism and agroindustry). This includes analysing business development framework conditions regarding mainstreaming of climate risks and risk management.

Mitigation Industry Kenya

28 November 2014:

Mitigation options and low-carbon development for the industrial sector in Kenya.

After the elaboration of its Green Economy Strategy, Kenya faces the challenge of implementing and operationalizing green economy approaches at subnational level.

Global21 carries out a study on mitigation options and low-carbon development for the industrial sector in Kenya focusing on:

  • emission efficiency
  • energy efficiency
  • material efficiency
Biodiversity South East Europe

10 October 2014:

Biodiversity in South East Europe

South-East European countries are currently in a EU pre-access phase and face the challenge to implement EU-Biodiversity-Strategy 2020.

Global21 leads an appraisal mission and conception of a new GIZ project “Open Regional Funds for South-East Europe - Biodiversity“, which assists Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in regional cooperation approaches for maintaining ecosystems and ecosystem services.

ADEME brochures

12 June 2010:

ADEME charges Global21 with promoting French
environmental technologies

During the past decades environmental technologies and the relating know-how have been considerably developed in France, but are not sufficiently known at international level. Therefore, the French Agency for Environment and Energy (ADEME) wants to elaborate sector specific promotion brochures presenting internationally the environmental technology offer of French companies and public institutions.

Global21 has been charged, together with its partner for communication and marketing, with the creation of these prestigious documents.

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