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Making Development Sustainable

ADEME Brochure RE

5 January 2011:

ADEME publishes Global21’s international promotion brochure about renewable energies

For the promotion of environmental technology offer of French companies and public institutions, The French Agency for Environment and Energy (ADEME) charges Global21, together with its partner, with the creation of a promotion brochure presenting internationally the “French know-how in the field of renewable energies”.

The brochure can be downloaded in French and English.


ADEME Brochure EEB

14 February 2011:

ADEME publishes Global21’s international promotion brochure about energy efficiency in buildings

For the promotion of environmental technology offer of French companies and public institutions, The French Agency for Environment and Energy (ADEME) charges Global21, together with its partner, with the creation of a promotion brochure presenting internationally the “French know-how in the field of energy efficiency in buildings”.

The brochure can be downloaded in French and English.


Proposal EU-CITET

19 March 2011:

Elaboration of a proposal for EuropeAid Environment Project

EuropeAid supports the international centre for environmental technologies in Tunis (CITET) in developing institutional and technical capacities for environmental technologies. In the context of a tender referring to environmental management systems, eco-label, REACH, treatment of industrial wastewater and sustainable tourism, Global21 elaborates for the German GIZ a proposal for the implementation of the project.


ADEME Brochure Air Soil

13 May 2011:

ADEME publishes Global21’s international promotion brochures about air pollution prevention and soil and groundwater remediation

For the promotion of environmental technology offer of French companies and public institutions, The French Agency for Environment and Energy (ADEME) charges Global21, together with its partner, with the creation of promotion brochures presenting internationally the :

  • French know-how in the field of air pollution prevention
  • French know-how in the field of soil and groundwater remediation

The brochures can be downloaded in French and English.



Roadmap Tunisia

21 June 2013:

Roadmap for economic cooperation with Tunisia

Starting in Tunisia, the Arab Spring caused a wave of political, social and economic changes all over the Arab world. 

Global21 develops of a roadmap for economic cooperation with Tunisia by analysing the context, obstacles and potentialities for the cooperation between public and private sector in Tunisia. The study covers the areas water resource management and sustainable economic development, focussing in particular on employment promotion and disadvantaged regions.

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