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Making Development Sustainable

CP Burundi uk

29 April 2014:

Mainstreaming adaptation to climate change into planning and legal processes

On behalf of GIZ, Global21 assists the Government of Burundi during 6 months in integrating climate change adaptation:

  • Analysing sectoral and cross-sectoral strategies, plans, budget and action plans;
  • Analysing national policy and budgeting processes
  • Identifying key stakeholders and assessing their competencies
  • Developing and applying a country-specific Climate-Proofing methodology
  • Analysing the finance system and developing an innovative approach for climate finance
GCF Zambia

20 February 2014:

Green Climate Fund Readiness in Zambia

On behalf of the „Climate Finance Readiness Programme“, Global21 accompanies the Zambian government in developing methodological and institutional capacities to integrate climate change into planning processes and prepare the country for the Green Climate Fund. The 9-month mission includes several phases:

  • Development of a country-specific methodology for integrating climate change into the budget planning
  • Climate-Proofing-Training for budget and planning experts
  • Pilot application of the methodology
  • Integration of the methodology into budget and planning processes
Environment Algeria

12 October 2013:

German-Algerian cooperation focuses on environment sector

In the future, German-Algerian cooperation will focus on Algerian priorities in the environment sector.

Global21 leads an evaluation mission to prepare and design the future focus "environment", composed of three projects:

  1. Environmental governance and biodiversity
  2. Resource management, resource efficiency and climate change
  3. Waste management and circular economy
Strategy Development Morocco

24 January 2013:

Strategy development in Morocco

The Moroccan Ministry for Environment wants to place its environment laboratory into the country's environmental policy landscape.

The German Institute for Metrology (PTB) commissioned Global21 to accompany the Moroccan partners in the participative development of a strategy for the National Environment Laboratory.

Report DEVED Algeria

25 April 2013:

Report about sustainable economic development in Algeria

Global21 develops a report for the DEVED programme about sustainable economic development in Algeria, with main focus on:

• Business development
• Sustainable business
• Sustainable industrial parks
• Financing of SME and Islamic microfinance
• Excellence Initiative (EFQM)

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