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Projects > Global21 > Références Global21 anglaises > Proposal EU-CITET

Proposal for EuropeAid Environment Project

Strategic consulting and writing

EuropeAid supports the international centre for environmental technologies in Tunis (Centre international des technologies de l’environnement de Tunis - CITET) in developing institutional and technical capacities for environmental technologies. In this context, EuropeAid publishes a tender for a project aiming at the awareness building, training and coaching of Tunisian institutions and companies in:

  • environmental management systems
  • eco-label
  • treatment of industrial wastewater
  • sustainable tourism


Global21 elaborates for the German GIZ a proposal for the implementation of the project, in particular:

  • an analysis of the political and institutional context
  • the strategy for the project implementation
  • a detailed activity planning
  • a logical framework and indicator system


Client: GIZ (German Technical Cooperation)
Location: France, Tunisia
Period: March - April 2011


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