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Biodiversity and EU association process in South-East Europe

Appraisal and conception of an Open Regional Fund

South-East European countries are currently in a EU pre-access phase and face the challenge to implement EU-Biodiversity-Strategy 2020.

Global21 leads an appraisal mission and conception of a new GIZ project “Open Regional Funds for South-East Europe - Biodiversity“, which assists Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia in regional cooperation approaches for maintaining ecosystems and ecosystem services. The mission comprises:

  • Leading the mission team and project conception
  • Analysing potentials for regional cooperation within the context of EU association process (environment acquis) and regarding the implementation of the EU-Biodiversity strategy 2020
  • Conception of project proposal


Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ)
Location: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia
Period: September - December 2014



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